
Respect all that's living, and treat them how we would want to be treated.

That's the foundation of Ahimsa. It's also the foundation of my business.

I was raised on the principle of Ahimsa, so I have a deep appreciation and respect for the earth.

This guiding principle has inspired me to try my best to lead as eco-friendly a life as possible, as well as influencing my work.

But more people need to be inspired to take positive action.

We need to touch the lives of thousands of people so that we all feel more connected to each other and to the earth.

How can we achieve such a task?

I may have an answer to that: stories.

We're hard-wired to respond to strong, impactful, captivating storytelling.

A viral story about a turtle with a straw up it's nose kickstarted a movement. A movement that had food and beverage chains previously stuck in their ways, swap their plastic straws for cardboard and steel.

The stories we see on TV about communities struggling to access clean water bring in donations to the charities that'll change those communities' lives.

The stories we were told as children sat around a campfire, or huddled underneath blankets, stick with us for the rest of our lives. Ones that are passed down for generations.

Your story has the power to stick with the people who hear it. All you need is a powerful video that'll stand the test of time. A video that shows and tells people about the wonderful things you're doing.

Not a generic video that could be yours as much as your competitors.

Not the reel that was quickly thrown together in between back-to-back meetings with the rest of your team, because something is always better than nothing (trust me, I understand!)

Now's your chance to give your sustainable, ethical brand another way to have it's voice heard - because Hello Avani shares the stories about the actions that'll speak louder than words ever could.

And your world-changing actions need to be shared.

Before we get going, let me introduce myself. I'm Jigna.

and here's why you can trust me with your story.

I help sustainability-focused businesses and non-profits that are making our world more wonderful transform their message into something scroll-stopping, donation-inspiring, and heart-capturing.

I help businesses move closer towards their end goal of saving and restoring our planet and protecting it's people so we can thrive and prosper. All through the moving power of video.

I've been doing my best to live in a more sustainable, earth-friendly way for most of my life. From a young age, my parents were a huge inspiration to me and held so many of the traits that we're now encourage to embody so that we can live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Everything changed when I became a mum. My outlook on everything transformed, and that's when I knew that living a sustainable lifestyle wasn't enough anymore. I had to do more.

And so, Hello Avani was born.
"Working with Hello Avani was such a smooth and fun experience. Jigna brings not only her incredibly strong technical videography and storytelling skills to the table but also her upbeat, easygoing personality that brings out the best content. Her attention to detail and thoroughness were evident as we progressed through the process. Companies will not be disappointed to hire Hello Avani to portray their story!"
Tori Fafrak
Founder, Eco Scentsations

Giving you over 15 years of video expertise

With a BSc (hons) in Media Production, and over 15 years of industry experience, I have taken the time to hone my skills and truly learn my craft.

I've taken everything I've learned and poured it into Hello Avani so that you'll get on-brand videos with a wow factor that'll inspire positive change, every time.

Here's what else I'm doing behind the scenes

Quick-fire quiz

My favorite dish...

Do I have to choose one? Palak Tofu (a vegan twist on the traditional Indian dish Palak Paneer) has got to be up there. I also love a good daal, and mangos are the best fruit ever...

My favorite part of Indian culture is...

The community aspect. It can't be beaten.

My drink(s) of choice are...

A homemade plant-based cappuccino during the day, and an old-fashioned as an evening treat.

How I spend my time outside of work...

Rock climbing and traveling with my family. I'd love to visit every country in the world one day.
Food is another way straight to my heart - I would class myself as a foodie and love trying new dishes that were previously inaccessible.

Some ways I'm helping the planet are...

Living as low-waste of a lifestyle as possible. I'm lucky enough to live in an area of the US with access to low-waste alternatives.
I'm also a lifelong vegetarian and am now mostly plant-based.